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Melchiorre Gerbino the director of Mondo Beat magazine
- Melchiorre Paolo Gerbino
- the director of Mondo Beat magazine

On the combined interference of the Zionists and the Vatican in the course of the Contestation.

(Se lo vuoi leggere in italiano  1 -   2) .

I want to make some considerations on the relationship between the Vatican and the Zionists in general, and then talk about the interference of both in the course of the Contestation.
In my opinion the Zionists would not have a so great power if the Catholic Church, the Lutheran Churches, the Orthodox Churches, had not granted them power in transverse ways. This, the Christian Churches have done and are still doing, because otherwise they would not be able to tie the mass of the people to the dated game of the Messiah of the Jews nailed to the Cross of the Roman Empire. The best strategy to prevent people from turning away from the Cross is to weaken people to the point of exhaustion, thus people are left at the mercy of the Zionist usurers. As proof that Zionist power derives from the Christian Churches, there is the evidence that Zionists have no power where Christian Churches do not (Japan, China, Islamic societies).
On the other hand, when, say, the Vatican needs help from the Zionists, it can rely on them, and this was the case with the Contestation.
The Contestation manifested in Milanese schools in the fall of 1967, then it spread among ordinary people in Italy and the Vatican was almost suffocated by it. When the Contestation manifested in Paris, in May 1968, it was a great relief to the Vatican that the Zionists exploited the events of the Contestation with a resounding campaign in their media, as they invented and produced Herbert Marcuse as the theorist of the Contestation and Daniel Cohn-Bendit as the hero. This would have created a state of confusion in the Italian public and less pressure on the Vatican. Furthermore, the mere fact that Herbert Marcuse and Daniel Cohn-Bendit were Jews would also have been of a great relief for the Vatican, because this would have alienated the sympathy of many for the Contestation, many distrusting the intentions of the Jews (or not?!). And, last but not least, the Vatican could have set up, in league with the Zionists, a media campaign on "The 68", aimed at mystifying the history of the Contestation and making the Italian generations after that of the 1960s believe that the Contestation is linked to the history of France and was somewhat extraneous to the Italian reality. And this misleading media campaign lasts to this day.
In conclusion, no "Jewish intelligentsia" helped promote the Contestation, but there were some Zionist characters, say, jackals, who profited from the events of the Contestation. These jackals were promoted by the media run by the Zionist usurers, those usurers to whom the Christian Churches abandon people to prevent them from turning away from the Cross.

Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and Herbert Marcuse

Premise. Giangiacomo Feltrinelli was a famous publisher who had achieved worldwide success with the novels "Doctor Zhivago", by Boris Pasternak and "The Leopard", by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, which were translated from Italian into all languages of the world. He was an avant-garde communist and a well known friend of Fidel Castro, and he had sought to operate as a secret link between Fidel Castro and Che Guevara when Guevara operated in the bush in Bolivia, but he had been arrested by the CIA in La Paz airport and deported to Italy . Behind all this, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli was a Mossad agent, as revealed by Senator Giovanni Pellegrino, who headed an Italian state commission that investigated terrorism. This commission would have been investigating after Giangiacomo Feltrinelli had died of a tragic death, in 1972 in Lombardy, where, very likely, he was killed by secret services who placed his body on a high voltage pylon and made it explode with a charge of dynamite. So much is said here to present the character Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, but none of this had to do with Melchiorre Gerbino and the Mondo Beat Movement.
The first time Melchiorre Gerbino met Giangiacomo Feltrinelli was on the day of the destruction of the tent city of Mondo Beat, Barbonia City. On that occasion, Gerbino went to Feltrinelli's publishing house and asked for him. They did not know each other personally, but Feltrinelli left his room and warmly received Gerbino, who asked Feltrinelli if he was willing to go, surrounded by photojournalists, to the field where Barbonia City had been destroyed a few hours earlier, to be hit by a police cudgel, as a sign of solidarity with Mondo Beat. Feltrinelli seemed to be having fun with this proposal and decided to do so in that same afternoon. But the next day, when they met again, Feltrinelli told Gerbino he had changed his mind. He had decided to ask people from the world of culture to participated in a solidarity document for Mondo Beat, which he would publish in the newspapers. On this occasion, since all Mondo Beat structures were destroyed or requisitioned by the military, Feltrinelli mentioned his availability to print and distribute issues of Mondo Beat magazine. He owned several printing houses and a chain of bookstores throughout the Italian territory. So, a few days later, when it was decided to publish a last issue of Mondo Beat magazine, Melchiorre Gerbino returned to Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. The two agreed that the Mondo Beat editorial team would deliver the articles for publication, while Feltrinelli would print and sell this issue for his own benefit. With this the relationship between Feltrinelli and Mondo Beat was to be considered concluded. But a few months after Melchiorre Gerbino had left Milan and returned to his travels, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli felt entitled to do business with the Contestation, with which he had had nothing to share, and he began doing business together with Herbert Marcuse (by chance, another Jew).
"Ladies and gentlemen, here's Herbert Marcuse, the theoretician of the Contestation!" (standing ovation).
Herbert Marcuse, of whom Melchiorre Gerbino has not read a single word, nor will he ever read, has nothing to do with the Contestation. In the Contestation scene, Herbert Marcuse can only appear as a jackal, the classic Zionist jackal.

Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and Herbert Marcuse deviously interfering in the course of the Contestation to make business
On Giangiacomo Feltrinelli and Herbert Marcuse in relation to the history of the Contestation .

Daniel Cohn-Bendit
Another jackal, who interfered in the events of the Contestation, was Daniel Cohn-Bendit. He did absolutely nothing remarkable before and during the events of May 1968 in France, but the Zionists had to produce a heroic character for the occasion. Not having one close at hand, they picked up Daniel Cohn-Bendit from Germany and put him in the spotlight in Paris.
When the French anarchists saw Daniel Cohn-Bendit in the spotlight they asked "Who is this German Jew!?"
But at this, the Zionists formed small groups of people yelling here and there "We are all German Jews! We are all German Jews!" and since then the Zionists this refrain (with variations like "We are all Greek Jews! ... We are all Greek Jews!", depending on where they are doing wrongdoing) are repeating every time they are caught red-handed.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit a Zionist jackal
The heroic Daniel Cohn-Bendit

Daniel Cohn-Bendit harassing a soldier during the events of May 1968 in Paris, to be immortalized by the Zionist media as a hero of the Contestation.


But the Contestation now also affects the Zionists, who thought they could take advantage of it. A phenomenon is occurring, about which the Israeli press reports a little here and there, but never exhaustively, while the international Zionist media network does not talk about it at all. The fact is that young Israeli Jews are publicly shouting "Heil Hitler!". This phenomenon occurs unexpectedly, especially among secondary school students, despite the fine imposed on these young people.
I read about this several times in @yourjewishnews on Twitter, back in 2012.
It is no the case that I try to make a philosophical analysis of this phenomenon, I leave this task to Bernard-Henry Lévi. I just want to say that Melchiorre Gerbino loves these young Israeli Jews who shout "Heil Hitler!" when they can no longer bear the parents, the teachers, the shimonperes. Melchiorre Gerbino loves them as much as he loved the best young people of the Mondo Beat Movement. Paradoxically, since paradoxical is the Contestation, these young people make us hope for a better fate for the Jews and for the world.

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